In the first tutorial I only
went over the basics, getting the textures into the file, saving it, and sorting by
groups... There are other cool things you can do with textures. Most notably I would say
are those kickass detailtextures that Unreal has. You might not have them enabled (you
cannot enable them in software mode at all), but they really add that much more realism to
the game. When you get close to a texture, a smaller more detailed texture fades in on top
of it.
When you get real close
to the wall, the detailtexture appears making it look more realistic
To give a texture that you import its own detailtexture,
right click on the texture in the texture browser to bring up its properties. The Properties
-> Texture -> DetailTexture field specifies what detailtexture the texture
will use in the game. Now load Detail.utx in the texture browser, this texture package
houses all of the detailtextures in Unreal. There should be a pretty good match for about
any texture you would import, although I don't reccomend useing a detail texture on EVERY
single texture... Select the detailtexture of choice in the browser, then go to the field
in the properties of your texture. Press the Use button, and it will use the selected
texture from the browser. The only thing I don't like about doing this is the fact that
you have to switch between the texture packages to choose your texture, then choose its
detail texture. Of course you could make your own detailtextures, they should look very
natural though and should be done the same way that Epic did theirs (grey, not too much
contrast) and put them in your own texture file. Remember to save your texture package
before testing your level :)
Other properties
Other properties that could be useful for your texture
include the Texture -> FootstepSound field, say you made a mud texture and you have a
squishy sound you want to play when the player steps on it. You would select that sound
for the FootstepSound. The Surface section of texture properties has lots of different
things you can tweak with, which should be self explanatory. |