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Advanced Level Design: Making Complex Brushes


D. Other Methods of Making Complex Brushes

  And then there are other methods of making complex brushes... These methods are just as useful and I use them often, however they really require their own tutorials.

First off is the 2D Shape editor. It is one of the cooler things about UnrealED and some people say it reminds them of BUILD. While I wouldn't really agree there it is quite easy and useful. It makes creating objects with specific shapes and traits much easier than it would be to just piece them together out of UnrealED's primatives. My only problem with it is the difficulty of getting the scale right between creating something in the 2D Shape editor and the size it will be in regular UnrealED. Also, it is only 2D, so you will have to modify the object with vertex manipulation or something once its in regular UnrealED if you want it to have unique traits in all 3 dimensions. Anyhow, for a more detailed synopsis of this tool, try out the 2D Shape editor tutorial.

Then there is the Floor Lofter. This is more of a specialty tool. I primarily use it in things like backdrops, as it can create very cool looking terrains. Here is a shot of the lofter and what it can do...

The Floor Lofter

This terrain made courtesy of the Floor Lofter

Its a cool tool, check out the Floor Lofter tutorial for more on how to use it.

That pretty much wraps up the area of complex brushes, hope this helps you create things above and beyond the simple primative shapes of the editor.


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