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Beginner Tutorial: Making your First Level


B. Adding Rooms and Hallways


Now to add hallways and other rooms. Right now we are creating space, so we are still subtracting things. Lets make a hallway that is 128 tall, 128 wide, and 512 long. So create a cube with 128 height, 128 width, and 512 breadth. Now, once you start adding brushes next to each other, this is where you need to be very accurate.

Move your red brush to where the left side of it is right along the right side of the room you created. Try to center it, using the grid as your guide. When you do this, zoom in to be sure that you are not off by one unit of the grid or so by accident. You must be very accurate or else you will mess things up, and sometimes cause huge errors in your level.


Build a cube with the specified dimensions - Then position it as illustrated below...

Zoomed In

Overhead Views - Centering the hallway on the side

Confirm that you have it correctly positioned, then switch over to one of the other three 2D views.

Side View

As you can see, the brush isn't anywhere near the floor. Move it down, and keep it aligned with the wall correctly. Check by zooming in.

Side View - Positioning the floors of the hallway and the original room

Once you have it positioned right, subtract it. You now have a hallway :)



Adding more Rooms and hallways:

I have been pretty descriptive so far. Hopefully you are getting the hang of it now, as I will start to move a bit faster.

Add another room at the other end of the hallway. Make it 192 tall, 256 wide, and 384 long. Align the side and the floor to where the new room will have the hallway connected to the middle of one of its sides, and the floors are aligned straight.  Then subtract.

cube Subtract

Build a cube with the specified dimensions, position it, then subtract it.

Once you do that, take a stroll around in the 3D View and texture it up how you want to. Remember, select the wall by clicking it, (select multiple walls by Control+clicking) then press the texture you want on that wall in the texture browser. Texture it how you want...


Aligning your Textures:

If your textures don't seem to align perfectly, that isn't a problem. Select all of the textures you want aligned (floor, ceiling, or walls). Don't do walls and floor at the same time though. When they are selected, right click and choose the "Align Selected" option. If you are aligning floors or ceilings, choose "As Floor/Ceiling". Its not hard.  Aligning walls isn't so simple.  If you require precision, you can use the Pan Textures option in the surface properties, or the pan textures tool.   However, this is hard and takes lots of time, I only reccomend doing this when you are finalizing a level and it requires lots of detail.  You can align wall direction and panning easily though.

Pan Tool

Pan Texture tool

So now you have two rooms joined by a hallway. This level needs some details now doesn't it?


Next section: Giving Your Rooms Details >


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